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Nathaniel lost 49 pounds in 1.5 years after experiencing one of those “aha” moments. Our conversation, which is transcribed below, focuses on weight loss challenges and building a healthy lifestyle. “I think the idea underneath this is important, especially because so many people view working out consistently as “sacrificing your life.”
- Starting weight - 165 lb
- Body fat - 28%
- After 20 weeks - 130 lb
- After 20 weeks - 22%
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Meet my friend Chase, who has one of the most incredible success stories I have EVER seen. After graduating college, Saint took a desk job as a computer programmer and watched as his weight slowly started to creep up…like every other average American. Over the past two years, he was able to slowly and steadily bring that down before having an incredible breakthrough that allowed him to transform drastically. Here’s how he did it.
- Starting weight - 120 lb
- Body fat - 18%
- After 20 weeks - 100 lb
- After 20 weeks - 12%